I really enjoyed the Olympics more this year than any previous summer Olympics and I think it is due to the many inspiring stories that occurred over the two week games. While there are so many, here are my favorites within the Track & Field sport. Sarah Attar: Running for Saudi Arabia in the women's marathon, Sarah Attar is a runner for Oiselle that I have followed since 2012 when she ran in London. Besides her beautiful photography that I follow on Instagram, she is best known as the first female runner that Saudi Arabia has sent to the Olympics. She was especially inspirational to me this year as she finished in second to last place yet she was still satisfied with her accomplishment and achieved a personal best. Despite knowing she would not receive a medal for her country, she took in the experience and enjoyed the race, often providing words of support to other runners who were struggling in the heat. She may not have won a medal, but she definitely embodies a heart ...