So long August, and hello September! I could not be happier to think of fall weather ahead. This summer was brutal, and while Chicago will still throw some hot temps at us yet, I feel like there is hope ahead. My total mileage for August was 145 miles ! This has been the highest mileage month of the year so far. July : 120 June : 83 May: 66 April: 109 March: 121 February: 96 January: 65 Looking back at August, I feel like I gained a tremendous amount of fitness and I feel more prepared for the marathon than I did in July. August brought the beginning of strength workouts which I enjoy far more than speed workouts, and the first two 16 mile long runs. I both physically and mentally feel strong and right on track to where I should be this close to the marathon. With two new donations last week, I reached the next fundraising level for Team PAWS which is far beyond what I ever expected to raise. I am so excited to wear my team singlet in just a ...