
Showing posts from December, 2016

Base Building Week 7

I am a bit late on recapping week 7, but I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday. Between traveling out of state and spending time with family my runs were a bit sporadic, but I still had a successful week.

Base Building Week 6

This was a very cold and snowy week for any sort of outdoor activities, let alone training. Nevertheless, I made a point to find a relatively clear trail to run on and was able to get in the majority of my scheduled runs.

Ice Breaker

February 25, 2014 I went out for a run. Due to a doctor's appointment that was delayed over an hour, I rushed home, checked my work email, and anxiously got ready for my scheduled run. I quickly put on my running gear and headed out the door so I could be home in time to start dinner. The weather was fairly warm for February and all of the snow was melting.

Trail Tuesday 12/13

Admittedly, the snow is starting to get to me but it sure is pretty to look at.

Base Building Week 5

The good news this week is that I was able to make it 5 weeks into the 8 week plan before the snow really impacted my runs. The bad news is that the snow is here and it is much much harder to run outside. Break out the Yaktrax, winter is here.

Year of Running 2016

As 2016 is coming to an end, I am participating in a linkup with Courtney from Eat Pray Run DC to look back on some of my running highlights for the year. Click on the button to read her blog and join the linkup!

Trail Tuesday 12/6

Technically it is Wednesday, but Happy December! The past week I encountered a lot of wildlife out on the trails. I am not sure who is more surprised - me or the animals, but I love the moment when our eyes meet. I have been able to get pretty close to the occasional deer and I am glad that they clearly do not view me as a threat.

Base Building Week 4

I am officially half way through the Hansons 8 week base building plan! So far I am really enjoying the plan and the structure that it brings to my weekly runs. Unlike previous years where I tend to lose my marathon fitness quickly, I feel rested but also very strong. During marathon training I was usually fatigued and sometimes hated my runs so base building is a nice change. While a few days late, I am reporting that my November monthly mileage was 118.55 ! Not too shabby for a month post marathon.

What I'm Wearing - Late Fall Edition

Despite it being officially December, I wouldn't say it truly feels like winter yet. Some days I head out for a run still wearing shorts while other days I need to layer. I received a few inquiries as to what I wear when the summer temps drop so I thought I would share a few of my favorite late fall running pieces.