
Showing posts from March, 2018

GRT 50k Training Week 11

A wonderful recovery week! Thankfully Week 11 was a mileage cut-back week, and while I still had hard effort runs, it felt good to have a reprieve from higher mileage and a long weekend run.

Trail Tuesday 3/20

Happy First Day of Spring! It sure doesn't feel like it at all, but the forest preserve has been preparing for spring by scheduling controlled burns in all of the major preserves. Seeing the trails in this state really gives them a new perspective but I'll be looking forward to seeing all things green popping up soon.

GRT 50k Training Week 10

For some reason week 10 has a weight to it. Now we are in the double digits of weeks of training, and it is more of a count down now to race day. Coming off a high mileage week I was glad for a little drop in mileage as well as a reprieve from the back to back long runs for a week.

Trail Tuesday 3/13

In case you were wondering what a huge band of snow looks like, this is it. The sky turned almost as black as night, and I made it home with about 5 minutes to spare before the sky opened up!

GRT 50k Training Week 9

I made it to the halfway point of training! 18 weeks is a long time to train, and I think it is important to celebrate the mini milestones, especially the half way point. There is still a lot of work to do, and may more miles to put in, but it is exciting to be half way to race day and a celebration of my training.

Miles vs Time

The most frequent question I receive when talking about my training is running by time vs miles. I thought this topic warranted it's own post since I have a lot to say!

Trail Tuesday 3/6

It's March! A little known fact is that in between winter and spring is another season...flooding. I have to get creative to get my runs in, but at least I can still see some animal friends.

GRT 50k Training Week 8

Week 8 - the last week of the Pre-50k phase and a mileage cut-back week. While I probably didn't take advantage of the cut-back as much as I should have, I enjoyed only having one long run.