GRT 50k Training Week 2

Another week down and I'm feeling good. It was a solid week of training that went well despite some winter weather that made it more challenging. I reminded myself a lot this week of each run's purpose in the larger picture of the entire 18 weeks.

Here was my plan for the week:

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 50-65 min easy run
Wednesday: XT
Thursday: Steady State run: 3 X 1 mile with 2 min recovery, warm-up and cool down
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 90-105 min long run
Sunday: 50-70 min easy run, Jasyoga - High Mileage Reset
Total: 25.25
* McMillian 3hab, Strength, Core programs 2-3 times per week

Tuesday I did a double run since I had our IL Oiselle team flight night in the evening, but I needed to run at least 50 minutes. I ran 2 miles in the morning and then added just over 3 miles in the evening. Typically I would prefer to run the mileage all at once but in this instance it was manageable.

Oiselle IL Flight Night

The Steady State run was challenging, not only because it requires running 3 miles at a slightly faster pace, but it was also run on the treadmill. I actually enjoyed this run and felt really strong on the intervals despite the treadmill. I still hate the treadmill.

Runner Highs:
  • Health: I finally felt healthy again. At the start of the week I still had some lingering chest congestion and felt worn down, but finished the week feeling much more human
  • Habits: I actually found myself wanting to do the McMillan 3hab this week as it focused on hamstrings. If you've been reading for a while, you know that my hamstrings always give me trouble. I found that the 5 minute 3hab routine really helped loosen my hamstrings before a run and I actually wanted to do it
  • Running by time: I am still getting used to running by time instead of miles, but I was proud of the fact that I have been sticking to it, uneven mileage and double runs aside
  • Long run: I know it was the melting snow that turned into a thick slushy ice, but this run just felt horrible. My legs and ankles were beat up from stabilizing in the snow, and it was exhausting. I was really looking forward to being out on the trail and I was bummed the run did not go as well as I had hoped
  • Fatigue: Overall, the balancing of running and the Strength/Core programs is a lot. I know the benefits of including the core and strength work, but it has really been taking a toll on my legs. Most runs that should feel easy feel more challenging because my legs are already fatigued. I really hope this gets easier as time goes on

Long run slog

Week 3 continues with similar scheduled runs as Weeks 1 and 2, but increasing the long and steady state runs. Hopefully the ice and snow hold off and I can get more runs in outside. 


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