Headed to Hennepin Week 3

It was another hot week of training. I complain about the heat every year and miss it in the winter, but it really does make training for a fall race infinitely more difficult. Thankfully it also prepares you well for what's to come.

The week started off again with another double run as Tuesday I ran with the Oiselle IL team and got in some time beforehand as I wasn't sure how long we would be able to run for with storms in the forecast. Most of us finished before the rain really hit, and it was a solid day of easy running.

Thursday was not as easy. I had my first hill workout which coincided with the beginning of the heat wave and it was 92 degrees outside before I even started. The workout was 1:30 uphill, 1:30 jog at the top of the hill, and 1 min jog down the hill X 4. Most of the workout went really well despite the heat, but I was really fatigued by the cool down and had to stop and walk for a bit just to cool off and get my heart rate down. But I was pretty proud of myself for finishing this workout in the heat, and these were the longest hill repeats I have ever done.

the face you make after hill repeats in the heat

I was worried about Saturday's long run due to the heat and despite my early start, it was still really difficult. I listened to the end of the Desi Linden Rich Roll podcast and then started her interview on Finding Mastery, and it was exactly what I needed to get through the run. I slowed my pace to one that was basically 2 minutes slower per mile than usual, walked when I had to, but just kept moving. This was not a run for physical gains, but mentally I proved that I can be uncomfortable and sit with that discomfort for a while, and in the end I am fine. I came out of this with a stronger mental toughness than when I started.

the face you make when you finish a long run in the heat

I feel it necessary to point out that running in the heat is not for everyone. It doesn't make you a wimp if you choose to stay inside and run on the treadmill similar to winter running in snow and ice. Even though I often complain about the heat, I fully choose to make myself run in it and while this makes me suffer more than is necessary, I also prefer this to running on the treadmill. While physically I might feel horrible, mentally I find this really helps me deal with suffering. Most endurance races bring some amount of suffering, and forcing yourself to be uncomfortable sometimes helps when confronted with elements of the Suck that occur during a race.

I finished out the month of June with my lowest mileage month yet. I am completely OK with this as I spent a few weeks of June on vacation and still in recovery mode from the GRT 50k. I have plenty of miles to run in the next few months before the Hennepin and I am thankful I was able to take time to recover.

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 50-70 min easy run
Wednesday: XT, 
Thursday: Hill workout
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 105-135 min long run
Sunday: 60-75 min easy run
Total: 24.64 miles


  1. I love your sit with discomfort statement! Summer running makes us stronger fall racers. My pace this past weekend was a good two minutes slower too. It's pouring here so hopefully that will break this stupid heat wave. Happy Fourth of July and have a great running week!

    1. thank you, and same to you! Hope you get a reprieve from the heat as well!


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